A preliminary list of Meetings for 2025. 10:00am on the
following days:
Jan 18: Winter Silhouette Display (BTC)
Feb 15: Dan Snipes on Design and Development (BTC)
March 15: Gabe Funke on Native Trees (BTC)
April 19: Concrete Slabs with Steve Ittel (TBD)
May 17: Marco Invernizzi Demonstration (Marc Huf’s)
June 21: Mark Arpaq (TBD)
July 19: Club Auction and Lunch (ABN Park)
August 16: Forest Workshop with Steve Ittel (ABN Park)
Sept 20: TBD (BTC)
October 18: Sergio Cuan (BTC)
Nov 15: Business Meeting and Garage Sale (BTC)
BTC = Brandywine Town Center.
ABNP = Anson B Nixon Park, Kennett Square, PA.
LWGHH = Longwood Gardens Head House
See Locations for directions to any of our meeting sites.
Directions to Mark Huf’s will be published later.
Brandywine Bonsai Society