A preliminary list of Meetings for 2025. 10:00am on the following days: Jan 18: Winter Silhouette Display (BTC) Feb 15: Dan Snipes on Design and Development (BTC) March 15: Gabe Funke on Native Trees (BTC) April 19: Concrete Slabs with Steve Ittel (TBD) May 17: Marco Invernizzi Demonstration (Marc Huf’s) June 21: Mark Arpaq (TBD) July 19: Club Auction and Lunch (ABN Park) August 16: Forest Workshop with Steve Ittel (ABN Park) Sept 20: TBD (BTC) October 18: Sergio Cuan (BTC) Nov 15: Business Meeting and Garage Sale (BTC) BTC = Brandywine Town Center. ABNP = Anson B Nixon Park, Kennett Square, PA. LWGHH = Longwood Gardens Head House See Locations for directions to any of our meeting sites. Directions to Mark Huf’s will be published later.
Brandywine Bonsai Society
A preliminary list of Meetings for 2025. 10:00am on the following days: Jan 18: Winter Silhouette Display (BTC) Feb 15: Dan Snipes on Design and Development (BTC) March 15: Gabe Funke on Native Trees (BTC) April 19: Concrete Slabs with Steve Ittel (TBD) May 17: Marco Invernizzi Demonstration (Marc Huf’s) June 21: Mark Arpaq (TBD) July 19: Club Auction and Lunch (ABN Park) August 16: Forest Workshop with Steve Ittel (ABN Park) Sept 20: TBD (BTC) October 18: Sergio Cuan (BTC) Nov 15: Business Meeting and Garage Sale (BTC) BTC = Brandywine Town Center. ABNP = Anson B Nixon Park, Kennett Square, PA. LWGHH = Longwood Gardens Head House See Locations for directions to any of our meeting sites. Directions to Mark Huf’s will be published later.
BBS News
Brandywine Bonsai Society is an educational organization and as a result, the material in this site may be copied for educational purposes. If large portions are copied, we would appreciate attribution. We welcome links to this site.
What’s new on the BBS website? Newsletters for 2024 The schedule below is still subject to change as we negotiate programs and meeting sites, but it is a reasonable indication of what we will be doing in 2024.
BBS News
Brandywine Bonsai Society is an educational organization and as a result, the material in this site may be copied for educational purposes. If large portions are copied, we would appreciate attribution. We welcome links to this site.
What’s new on the BBS website? Newsletters for 2024 The schedule below is still subject to change as we negotiate programs and meeting sites, but it is a reasonable indication of what we will be doing in 2024.