More detail on the horticulture of a variety of species useful for bonsai is reported in the attached PDF file. The headings for the table include:SPECIES BRANCH PRUNING PINCHING WIRING REPOTTING SUN/SHADEThe information is brief and presents a useful guideline for trees in the MidAtlantic, but one will want to consult other sources for greater detail. The table is relatively long. Because it is a PDF file, there is no link to get back to this page. Rather, when one is done, hit the back key on your computerHORTICULTURE OF BONSAI SPECIES
Brandywine Bonsai Society is an educational organization and as a result, the material in this site may be copied for educational purposes. If large portions are copied, we would appreciate attribution. We welcome links to this site.
More detail on the horticulture of a variety of species useful for bonsai is reported in the attached PDF file. The headings for the table include:SPECIES BRANCH PRUNING PINCHING WIRING REPOTTING SUN/SHADEThe information is brief and presents a useful guideline for trees in the MidAtlantic, but one will want to consult other sources for greater detail. The table is relatively long. Because it is a PDF file, there is no link to get back to this page. Rather, when one is done, hit the back key on your computerHORTICULTURE OF BONSAI SPECIES
Brandywine Bonsai Society is an educational organization and as a result, the material in this site may be copied for educational purposes. If large portions are copied, we would appreciate attribution. We welcome links to this site.