Azaleas - Spring flowers and nice shape
Black Pine - The classic tree of Japanese bonsai. Great bark.
Green all year round. Needles reduce well
Boxwood - Year-round greenery. Kingsville and Morris Midget
are prized for their small leaves that are ideal for bonsai, though
there are recent disease issues.
Bittersweet - Nice fall betties on this invasive vine. It is difficult to
get a classic bonsai shape, but the fruit make up for it in the fall
and sometimes into winter.
Crab apples - Spring flowers and fall fruit
Crepe Myrtle - Graceful branching, summer flowers and
exfoliating bark, Some species with very small leaves
Elm - Classic deciduous shape and small leaves
Hornbeam - Classic deciduous shape and leaves that reduce
well. Will handle dramatic cuts to establish good trunk taper.
Has good fall color.
Japanese Maples - Spring and fall colors and winter silhouette.
Too many varieties to name, each with its unique spring and fall
colors leaf size and shape.
Junipers - Deadwood and dramatic shapes
Ponderossa Pines - Collected old trees readily available on the
bonsai market
Porcelain Berry - Nice fall fruit on this invasive vine related to the
Quince Japanese - Flowers and fruit
Quince Chinese - Flowers, fruit, trunk development and
exfoliating bark
Trident maple - Classic deciduous shape and leaves that reduce
well. Will handle dramatic cuts to establish good trunk taper.
Has good fall color.
White Pine - Great bark and green all year. Some varieties have
very small needles.
Wisteria - Heavy spring flowers
Witch Hazel - First flowers of spring
Zelkova - Classic deciduous shape and small leaves
Why we Chose the Trees we Chose
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